Monday 22 October 2012

choosing to love

I'm learning to love in new ways, learning to love when love is not readily returned.  

Love of course, is a choice. 

I can choose to love and choose to act in love, regardless of how others are acting.  Sometimes it's easy - when someone is kind to me, I want to be nice to them. But when people are mean, the natural (human, sinful) response is to be nasty right back at them.  Being mean back doesn't actually make me happy though.  It just adds to the hurt and nastiness of the whole situation and makes things worse. your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you
Luke 6.27-28 NIV

What wisdom in these words from Jesus, who did just that - He loved and had compassion on the very people who not only mistreated him but killed Him.  And He continues to love the rest of us who do things that hurt Him.

When I respond to hurtful words or actions with love and kindness, I feel better.  When I pray for the person -- not that they get what they deserve, as tempting as that is! but that they come to know His love so that they don't continue to be mean -- I get some peace in my heart.
I want to act in love towards everyone and respond in love to everything.  I don't get this right every time by any means, but I know it's the right thing to do and that He's helping me -- and that gives me the energy and motivation to keep working at it.

1 comment:

  1. Much truth in this. It does feel better to dish it right back, but only for a moment, then it feels worse. It is a much better choice to love, but to do this in the moment seems to be the furthest from our mind.
